McCain: Super Tue Decides

McCain: Super Tuesday may end the GOP race
February 2, 2008

McCain told reporters Super Tuesday might end the Republican race.

(CNN) – Republican John McCain said Friday that Super Tuesday could mark the finish line of his party’s presidential race this year.

“Do I think the race will be over on Tuesday? Not often do I ask for divine intercession, but I have asked for that. Yes,” he told reporters on a campaign flight to Chicago. Republicans in 21 states will weigh in on Super Tuesday, February 5.

“From what we see in the polls, there is a very good chance it could be over on Tuesday,” said the Arizona senator, adding: “The sooner we get that done, the sooner I can go to work on uniting the party." (more...)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

McCain is a Vietnam War hero. He has been an excellent candidate in the presidential campaign by conducting himself in the most civilized manner. My vote goes to McCain. Go McCain!